Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Neighborhood Meeting for 19CUP1101 2409 Glenmary Ave

 Luann Davis & Michael Storm 2713 Victor Place Louisville, KY 40206    June 17, 2019    To adjoining property owners, neighborhood group representatives and Metro Councilperson for Council District #8, Brandon Coan.   My wife and I are requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow us to operate short-term rentals at 2409 Glenmary Ave. This is located in the Cherokee Triangle.   The building was built in 1929 as a duplex. I inherited the building in 1998 after my parents passed away. Both apartments have always been rented as longterm rentals. My wife, Luann and I have decided to try a short term rental such as airbnb on the first floor to meet and accommodate visitors and family who come to visit Louisville.    We are holding a neighborhood meeting to discuss our plans on July 10, 2019,  7pm, at 2409 Glenmary Ave, Apartment #1. I hope you will be able to attend. At  this meeting we will explain our proposal and will be happy to answer any questions  you might have.     Sincerely,     Michael Storm  502-403-6252 Luann Davis     502-550-3331  

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