Thursday, June 13, 2019

Kentucky Shakespeare's Globe Players: Twelfth Night

William Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night centers on twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola finding herself alone in a strange land, assumes that her twin brother, Sebastian, has been drowned in the wreck, and tries to figure out what sort of work she can do. So, she decides to disguise herself as a man, taking on the name of Cesario, and goes to work in the household of Duke Orsino. Twelfth Night is performed by our Globe Players, the professional student training programming of Kentucky Shakespeare. Kyle Ware directs the production. Food Trucks open at 6:30pm; Will’s Tavern at 7:00pm; Pre-Show at 7:15pm and the main stage production begins at 8:00pm. New this year is Kids Globe - where kids can participate in free interactive, hand-on arts activities all summer long. Kids Globe opens at 7:00pm. This is a FREE family event.Learn more...... 

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