Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Can Biophilia Save Native Species in Our Cities?

As species around the world and in our region go extinct at unprecedented and alarming rates, many of us feel powerless to contribute directly to conservation solutions because we think “real” nature can only be sustained in parks and reserves. But, believe it or not, by creating more thoughtful species-friendly habitat, people in cities, suburbs, and rural areas can weave more local nature into the very places where we live and work. Can ordinary people play an important species conservation role for our region in cities and towns? What types of support might we need to save and enjoy more of our local biological heritage in our neighborhoods? Come hear Dr. Margaret Carreiro speak about some success stories. Then let us all contribute our ideas to this critical, and, hopefully, ongoing discussion so we can create more win-win situations for both people and nature around our homes, schools, and workplaces.$12 non-members / $10 members For more information or to register for your spot, call 502-458-1328.   Learn more....  

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