Friday, March 8, 2019

Fire by Friction

-Come out and learn one of the oldest and most reliable forms of fire making known to man! -This fire-making course is open to any and all wanting to learn to make a fire, no experience necessary! -Topics that will be covered are History, Materials, Technique/physics, and problem-solving/troubleshooting. -While all natural materials will be provided, we do ask that our participants bring with them the following: -a pencil and paper, or something you wish to record information with. -A knife *preferable fixed blade, if you only have a folding knife, ENSURE that it has a sturdy hilt in order to avoid personal injury*. -Water. As a bonus, everyone will be sent home with their very own Bow-Drill Kit! The class will cost $25 per person and is for ages 15 and up for safety purposes. Call 502-458-1328 by March 7th to register and claim your spot! Learn more...

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