Thursday, February 28, 2019


This will be a farewell to the sounds of Locust Grove’s beloved fortepiano. Mezzo-soprano Rebekah Bortz-Hardin joins us for a traditional all-Schubert afternoon as we retire our lovely 1806 John Broadwood and Sons fortepiano from regular performance. The concert features sonatas, lieder, and choral reading, and perhaps a parlor game or two. Locust Grove will celebrate its 35th season of the Emilie Strong Smith Chamber Music Series this fall and winter with concerts featuring the work of Bach, Mozart, Schubert and more. During this series, concertgoers delight in music that the Clarks and Croghans would have heard in the room where they most likely would have enjoyed it — the second-floor Great Parlor of the historic house. Refreshments served at 5:00 pm; concerts begin at 5:30 pm in the second-floor Great Parlor of the historic house. Season subscriptions are available at the level of Patron ($200); Supporter ($100) and Subscriber ($70). Individual concerts are $20. Pre-paid reservations are required. Please call 502.897.9845 to become a subscriber at any level or to purchase individual concert tickets.

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