Monday, September 17, 2018

Brightside's Community-Wide Planting Day

The 2018 Brightside Community-Wide Planting Day will be held Saturday, November 10th. This year we will be planting 115 trees on West Broadway from 20th to 37th streets! Volunteers will be meeting at Kroger (2710 West Broadway) at 10 a.m. In 2014, Brightside launched the "One Bright City" initiative to assist Louisville’s community in becoming better environmental stewards. Trees are an integral part of this initiative because of the environmental, economic, and social benefits they assist with. Louisville has been experiencing poor air quality, areas of high heat concentrations, and polluted water, especially in areas where there is a lack of tree canopy. In an effort to bring awareness in assisting our local ecosystem and the continual support of biodiversity, Brightside challenges and invites residents of Louisville to get out in November and plant trees, flowers, and plants within the community. We are encouraging everyone to plant in their own yard, neighborhood, at their school, church, or place of employment or to join in the Brightside led planting project.   Planting in this area can improve the overall aesthetic for businesses and residents, control storm water runoff, increase property value, reduce urban heat island effect, improve air quality, and lower energy costs. Brightside’s recent plantings, as well as those of other Metro and non-profits partners, has been focused in west Louisville, where an increase in tree canopy is needed. Check out our recent planting projects! 2014: 80 trees near Chickasaw Park 2015: 150 trees on West Broadway 2016: 150 trees in Parkland 2017: 186 in Parkland, Park Hill and California 

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